Temporal causality loop
Temporal causality loop

temporal causality loop temporal causality loop

Where time would normally be able to resist or absorb minor changes, the Third Doctor noted that some locations in space and time were temporal probability nexuses where multiple strands of causality were exposed and weak, and the smallest alteration could produce aberrant loops of existence or even new alternate timelines. The temporal causality loop was called a "pocket universe" in the book jacket of the novel Ship of the Line.You may be looking for the Nexus creature.Ī causal nexus, ( TV: Logopolis) also called a spatio-temporal causal nexus point ( AUDIO: The Mutant Phase), time-space nexus, temporal nexus point, causal nexus point, nexus point, or just nexus, was a place in space and time that was malleable, ( PROSE: Remembrance of the Daleks) points in the space-time continuum that were very rare and hard to access. In the event of an unsuccessful player outcome in the board game Star Trek: The Next Generation - A Klingon Challenge, it is revealed that the ship entered a time loop prior to the adventure, thus giving players another chance to retake the ship. The phenomenon wasn't given a specific name in the episode. The men were able to launch the time ship away from the launch bay eventually breaking the loop. The phenomenon was proven to be a loop when Jonathan Archer and Reed also began to relive a moment of time later when they entered the bay.

temporal causality loop

In the case, the two men began to realize what was happening due to a sense of déjà vu and eventually clearer memories from previous loops. T'Pol, who at the time didn't believe in the possibility of time travel, suggested that alternatively, they may have only perceived time as if they were reliving it. Malcolm Reed and Trip Tucker began to relive half a minute of time over and over again. In the episode ENT: " Future Tense", set in 2152, a loop phenomenon also occurred on Enterprise NX-01 when high-energy particles of temporal radiation leaked from a 31st century Earth vessel to the launch bay where the ship was stored. It sent out a distress call, which continuously interrupted itself, that was answered within hours by the USS Cerritos. The USS Bakersfield was trapped in a temporal causality loop in 2381. In 2378, Q Junior trapped the crew of the USS Voyager in a temporal loop in which they kept experiencing the last thirty seconds over and over. Altogether the Enterprise had spent 17.4 days inside the fragment of time. The effort proved successful, and Data was able to use the transmitted information to avoid the collision with the Bozeman, thereby escaping from the loop. They devised a means whereby they could send a specific message into the next iteration of the loop via dekyon emission, where it was detected by Data's positronic subprocessors. Eventually, the Enterprise crew began to realize what was happening due to a sense of déjà vu they kept experiencing, as memories from previous loops began imprinting themselves to persons inside the loop. When the Bozeman collided with the Enterprise, the resultant explosion, being in close proximity to the temporal distortion, ruptured the spacetime continuum, trapping both ships in a causality loop wherein the Enterprise continually encountered the Bozeman and was subsequently destroyed. In 2278, the USS Bozeman encountered a temporal distortion, causing it to travel forward in time to the year 2368, where it encountered the USS Enterprise in the area of space known as the Typhon Expanse. ( DIS: " Magic to Make the Sanest Man Go Mad") In 2256, Harcourt Fenton Mudd acquired a device created by a four-dimensional race that contained a time crystal, and used it to create a repeating time loop, in order to steal the USS Discovery and sell it to the Klingons.

Temporal causality loop